Mehwish Sarwari, Ph.D.

Mehwish Sarwari, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor Cassety Hall 224
Phone: (716) 878-6116

Coordinator, BA International Relations

Ph.D., Political Science, SUNY University at Buffalo, 2016

Sarwari C.V.

Research and Teaching Interests

Third-party intervention, Civil War, Human Rights

Courses Taught

PSC 101 Introduction to Government and Politics
PSC 203 Political Analysis
PSC 230 International Relations PSC 302 International Conflict and Peaceful Resolution
PSC 308 International Organizations and Law
PSC 330 American Foreign Policy
PSC 335 International Relations of the Middle East
PSC 340 Politics of Developing Nations
PSC 399 Research Skills
PSC 470 Senior Seminar


Alumni Relations Committee
Curriculum Committee
International Relations Coordinator
Model United Nations Team Advisor
Student and Community Engagement Chairperson


  • Norrevik, Sara and Mehwish Sarwari. Forthcoming.  “Third Party Regime Type and Civil War Duration.” Journal of Peace Research
  • Sarwari, Mehwish. 2020. “Ideology and UN Responsiveness to Sexual Violence.”  Journal of Intervention and State Building 14(5): 671-690. 
  • Sarwari, Mehwish. 2020. “Impact of Rebel Group Ideology on Wartime Sexual Violence.”  Journal of Global Security Studies ogaa040,
  • Johansson, Karin and Sarwari, Mehwish. 2019. “Sexual violence and Biased Military Interventions in Civil Conflict.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 36(5): 469–493. 
  • Sarwari, Mehwish and Jacob Kathman. 2017. “Civilian Intervention.” In the Sage Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Fathali M. Moghaddam (Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.